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I hope you enjoyed my conversation with Steph on Transcontinental Overload. I’ve always loved listening to her, and I was really energised and inspired by our conversation!

Click here to read the first three chapters of ‘Nest’ for free. The download link will be sent straigt to your inbox, and you’ll also get an exclusive story – all about the weekend when I met the man who would invite me on this adventure in the first place!

“After years of life-changing transition, how could I know what normal looked like any more?”

When Catriona Turner seized the opportunity to leave Scotland for a three-year stay in southern France with her fiancé, she had no idea that over a decade later, she would have moved on from the Pyrenean foothills to the bustling urban hills of Kampala, the dusty Atlantic beaches of Congo, and the flat suburbs of Denmark.

But adventure came at a price. Away from her career, raising children between international moves, Catriona lost her sense of direction. Alongside amazing travel, enriching new friendships, and unimagined opportunities, came family separation, an emergency birth, a political lockdown, and endless culture shock.

Lost in mental health struggles, she became a foreigner in her own home, and fumbled for a sense of purpose. But life on the move meant she had to confront her core belief about what it means to be home. And just when Catriona thought she had it all figured out, along came a global pandemic.

With lovely prose and deft craft, Catriona Turner brings the reader with her not just to fascinating locations around the world, but through her equally compelling inner journey. Don’t miss this memoir of a woman coming home to herself.

International bestseller Rachael Herron

This book should be given to every new expat! She describes every stage of the experience very neatly, and what I love is that it’s so optimistic.

Raphaële, French reader living in Angola

I hope you enjoy your taster of Nest! Click here to read more about me.